First number is before weight. Middle number is current weight. Last number is goal weight.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Day Five

   As of this morning I have lost 4.6 lbs. I feel pretty good. No weird side effects. Not overly sleepy or anything like that. (Though the first two days I was sleepy, but that may have just been because Christine and I were TRYING to sell stuff at a craft fair and it SUCKED cuz we didn't sell one single damn thing, plus it was tiring sitting there all day.) I was expecting them to taste bitter; so it was a pleasant surprise when they weren't and THAT in itself is a blessing because who wants to taste bitterness 6 times a day??? That alone could make someone quit the diet. I'm not killing myself trying to follow this thing to the letter though. Screw the no lotions, no make-up thing! What the hell? I made some of my meals ahead and that's really helpful (thanks Sheri!). Makes it less of a pain to get ready to eat. Especially when you're alone --- which is MUCH easier than having someone there munching on peanut brittle or Monkey Chip cookies (YUM!!! I'll tell you about these later.) in front of you --- not flaunting it, but you can still see them being eaten. I did slip a little yesterday though. I had a corn tortilla with a bit of margarine at 9:30pm. I wanted to have two, but put one back. Then I drank a half bottle of water and I was fine. My slip was partly boredom, partly craving.
BTW...Monkey Chip cookies are Chocolate Chip Banana cookies. The banana is NOT a real's banana PUDDING!!! Not sure how it was incorporated into the recipe, but we had them at the craft fair and they were DAMN GOOD!
   I weigh 181 lbs. today.

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