First number is before weight. Middle number is current weight. Last number is goal weight.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Days 11-19

   Wow. I hadn't realized how many days I'd skipped in my blog! I've been a busy girl! So let's see if I can catch myself up...
   I worked my butt off the 19th-21st since I was going to be off the next four days. But, according to My Food Diary, I'd eaten OVER my 500 calories. And that was part of my 5 day plateau at 179.6 lbs. I was 224 calories over on the 19th, 121 over on the 20th and 100 over on the 21st. ("Grr" to myself!!!) Happily, on the 21st I discovered I'd lost 1.2 lbs. And it kept going down until the 24th when it went back up to 175.6 lbs. Ack! 
   I knew I wasn't going to have computer access to track my food intake from the 22nd-25th because Russ and I were going to Las Vegas to see U2 (who, btw, is the MOST awesome band!!!), but I made sure I took my scale. I have no idea how many calories I consumed from the 22nd-25th.
   On the 25th I was up to 176.2 lbs. and then plateaued for the 26th-27th at 176.8 lbs.! So...I needed to take action and fast. I made sure my calories were not over 500 yesterday. In fact, they were only 464. Today I've already laid out my menu for the day. Total calories for today will only be 493. Happily, I appear to be back on track. If I'm paying good money for this diet solution, I want my money's worth, dammit!
   Today I weighed in at 175 lbs.! YESSSS!!!


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