First number is before weight. Middle number is current weight. Last number is goal weight.

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Day What? Round 2

   I lost track of the number of days. I ran out of hCG for this round somewhere around the end of January (or was it the beginning of February?) and ordered more...however several days passed without it and then I was at the Garden Spa Sew Retreat the weekend of February 5-7. So...I suppose I should just stop the drops now and move on to maintenance. Maybe Christine will buy the remainder from me...I know she wants to start again.
   Today I weigh 161.8 lbs. Yay! Say "Hello" to A Skinnier Julee!

Wednesday, January 27, 2010

Day 26, Round 2

   Going slow this time and being bad about sticking to the 500 calories. It's not paying to do fact, if I gain weight I'm wasting money! So, as long as I don't go OVER the weight I started with this time around, I'll be okay, but it won't be worth the money spent. I guess 5 pounds lost is better than no pounds lost, or even GAINED pounds!
   Today I weigh 166.4 lbs.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

Day 5, Round 2

   No change today. Grr. But my own fault...of course!!! And that would be because Russ and I went to see Sherlock Holmes last night (Great movie, by the way. LOTS of action, great fun! I highly recommend it.) and I had to have popcorn. My downfall at the theater.
   Today I weigh 169.6 lbs. again.

Tuesday, January 5, 2010

Day 4, Round 2

Ah. The excitement of seeing the scale dipping lower! I'm already feeling much better. Good-bye Fat. Today I weigh 169.6 lbs.

Monday, January 4, 2010

Day 3, Round 2

   Wow. I guess I really slacked off on my blogging. I shouldn't have done that. I made it through the holidays fairly unscathed, hallelujah! But sadly, I gained a few pounds back. I knew it would happen and didn't fight it. Luckily it wasn't too, too much.
   Today is Day 3 and the day I start the actual dieting part of the hCG protocol for second time. Good luck, me!
   Today I weigh 171.2 lbs. and I'm still working my way to A Skinnier Julee!